Thursday, February 25

Anything You Can Do...

I have a needy bladder. Maybe too much information but true, nonetheless. Long car trips are exercises in dehydration and that is within a glorious nation filled with Tim Hortons and gas station washrooms scattered along the way. Traveling where washroom facilities are less accessible can be trying for me and I often have to plan my day/meals/beverages around my washroom needs. Even when they are available the toilet is often out of service or too nasty to actually go near. Going beside a tree can be messy without the right technique (and I can't say that I've perfected it as of yet). Here is a potentially revolutionary device that I am considering test-driving for when I spend 2.5 months in a developing country in 2011. If men can pee standing up without disrobing, why can't women? I present to you: The SheWee.

It even comes in pink! And NATO green! And Brilliant Blue! And Clear! And who could forget, DESERT SAND!?

Are you with me ladies?


Anonymous said...

Not gonna lie, I've heard of this already and totally want one.

V said...

Wow. I'm amazed. And slightly intrigued. I'd totally try this. :)

Beth said...

my favourite feature is that it's called NATO green...

Katie V. said...

I think I would go with brilliant Blue or Desert Sand myself. I do wonder how functional it actually would be since people may not react well to a woman who can somehow jump off the bus with men and pee standing up.....

I'm willing to try it though!

Beth, agreed, NATO green is a pretty spectacular colour (name).