Monday, November 30

33.5 minutes

That is the amount of time it took me to run (translation=jog) 4.9km on Sunday morning. Not actually a personal best but definitely a personal only attempt since grade 10. I've never been athletic. I don't even like exercising very much. But at the end of September I started using the gym next door and HATED IT SO MUCH that I tried running outside. For me, that was a big deal. I tend to decide that I will start running and then I do it one time and quit because I despise the act of running. The most shocking development: I (kind of) enjoyed myself. So much that I tried it again.

I haven't mentioned it on here often because part of me is afraid to jinx it; I still can't really believe that I run three times a week. Every week. A major contributor to my motivation is the new running wardrobe I purchased a few weeks ago. Now I feel like a runner. (I am a runner. Be the runner.)

Most days I only go between 3-4km but I try to up the distance on the weekends. As of right now there are no half marathons or cross Canada sprints in my future but I feel healthier. My big barrier is 5km. I've never done more than that. Maybe this weekend I'll map out 7 and see how far I can get until I have to walk/crawl the rest of the way.

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