Tuesday, March 2

Selective Reading

As mentioned a few posts ago, book club is up for its second round. The selections being voted on now are (in alphabetical order; I won't reveal which I am supporting ;)

Bean Trees, The (Barbara Kingsolver)

Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao, The (Junot Diaz)

Good to a Fault
(Marina Endicott)

I didn't really agonize over the choices this time but I'm much more satisfied with them. I'd be happy to read all three. With Oryx & Crake (Atwood) the themes were fairly transparent and somewhat cliche (I liked the book but she isn't known for concealing her opinion). The hope with the next novel is that it provides richer themes, stronger feelings and a wider range of emotion. We'll never know until we try one though :)

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