Saturday, March 7

Walking Pathetic Fallacy

The weather has been like a woman in menopause lately (up, down, tears & hot flashes) and it is taking me along with it. I'm a sucker for a sunny day but drabness and rain get me down when I'm already a bit lonely or looking forward to two weeks with 4 midterms.

My distraction outside of homework this week has been Big Love. Yep, a tv show and it is all about polygamy. But it makes the characters so endearing (even the cute brunette from "He's just not that into You" is one of the wives). It focuses on a Utah family (one husband, three wives, 7 kids) trying to keep their lifestyle a secret while living in a normal neighbourhood and running a very public Home Depot-type store. All the sister wives just love each other (ok, they disagree, a lot). Just imagine this scenario with the genders switched: One woman bringing home the greasy bacon and three doting husbands all sharing the wife and submitting for the ultimate good of the family. Ha! I was going to get all huffy about the husband and how he is constantly in a state of indignation when he feels he is being lied to but pretty much constantly keeps his business dealings a secret (you know, wouldn't want to worry all those wives). How he blatantly went on dates with another woman (can't get into heaven without lots of wives). But, well, it is a show about polygamy......

Where is the show about polyandry?


Beth said...

oh my gosh!!! i was just talking about this show (AND polyandry) tonight. i totally got sucked into it last year, but haven't watched it at all this one...

for a slightly more non-glamourized perspective of mormon fundamentalism, i recommend you read "under the banner of heaven."

Katie V. said...

Yes, before I become disillusioned and want to have sister wives. I'll check it out though, I'm always looking for more reading material. I haven't exactly figured out the appeal of the show yet but i'm hooked.