Wednesday, September 30

Not Underwhelmed. Not really Overwhelmed.

Can I just be 'whelmed'?

It has been weeks (almost a month?) since I have updated here which makes it so difficult to describe everything that has been happening in the last few weeks.

Week 1: Orientation week. Saw my first baseball game (it was a record-breaking SMALLEST CROWD EVER at a Jays game). Went to a live comedy show (YukYuks) for the first time. Entrusted with a human skull.

Week 2: I cried. A lot. I've never missed home that much before. Instead of jumping right in I hung back a bit. People thought I was shy.

Week 3: Mark visited. For a whole week! It was wonderful! It actually helped me adjust. My milk went bad. Our taste buds went on a world tour. We had terrible shawarma (Mark's first taste).
Saw my second baseball game. Both losses. Mark saw his 7th game. All 7 have been losses. The Jays won every game that week except the one we saw. They shouldn't let Mark go to their games.
Bought my first lottery ticket. Lost my first lottery.

Now: Finally getting adjusted. Cooking meals. Packing lunches. Doing trendy things like buying organic rooibos tea in Kensington Market. Hit up Word on the Street. Reconnected with so many people; everyone seems to end up in TO.

That was just the surface of a very intense month (both good intense and tough intense). The burden of relaying so much information was keeping me away but I hope I'm back to blogging.

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